Four out of ten religious people in Norway believe that religion has the answer when science differs in science

According to a major new survey, 41 percent of religious people in Norway who have fallen into the research and belief trap are confident they will choose the answer their religion offers them.

The answers differ from those in our neighboring countries. Religious Finns and Danes would prefer science more if they found themselves in the same situation. The Swedes are a lot like us, but complain a little more when the scholarly literature and journals differ.

Among our Russian neighbors to the east, where nine out of ten respondents said they were religious, there is more uncertainty. While only 19 percent of Russians surveyed said they would stick to religious answers if the flag were different, 20 percent also said they were “asked” what they wanted to do.

This appears in one new reportMore than 140,000 people in more than 140 countries were asked about their attitudes toward research and researchers. The report was published by Britain’s Wellcome Foundation.

Big doubts about the vaccine in France, almost none in Norway

The study also reveals significant national differences in how people view vaccines.

In Norway, only 6 percent of those surveyed agreed that vaccines are safe. The picture is very different in France. The figure is 33 percent.

According to French historian Laurent-Henri Vignaud, skepticism about the vaccine in France is a fairly new phenomenon.

“In our recent history, swine flu was the moment when the population became suspicious,” Fino told the newspaper. and buy. Vignaud is a historian at the University of Burgundy in Dijon, and he recently wrote a book on the country’s anti-vaccination societies.

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When swine flu struck France in 2009, less than 10 percent of the population had had the vaccine the authorities gave them. Vignaud believes that this was due to fear of vaccine side effects and the French’s extreme distrust of politicians.

Very positive about research in Norway

Research shows that Norwegians are very positive towards researchers and research.

About 90 percent of those surveyed said they had full or partial confidence in the Norwegian researchers. The only ones we trust are the doctors, the nurses, and our neighbours.

Those who responded become more skeptical when the researcher works for a company, and some are also more skeptical about whether these company researchers are telling who paid for their work.

Almost all Norwegians surveyed had high or medium confidence in the research, the survey said.


Hello: Welcome to Global Monitor 2018. Report, June 19, 2019.

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