Four men form a band called Paul O’Sullivan: ‘We Are Hot in America’

Four men form a band called Paul O’Sullivan: ‘We Are Hot in America’

Rotterdam Paul O’Sullivan forms a band with three men of the same name. The Paul O’Sullivan Band is now a hit in the United States. “We’re a guest on two or three major talks each week.” Extra fun: Humans have never met each other in real life. They make music together via the internet.

To avoid confusion, men address each other at their place of residence. The group includes Rotterdam-Paul, Baltimore-Paul, Philadelphia-Paul and Manchester-Paul.

How did the band Paul O’Sullivan come to be?

Baltimore-Paul was curious about his names. He added all sorts of Paul O’Sullivan on Facebook and soon found that many men make music. He texted me, but I was a little skeptical at first. I had to convince myself that there was no harm in this. Eventually making music together became so much fun. ”

“O’Sullivan is a popular Irish surname, similar to Johnson’s in the Netherlands. So the name is very common, but we all make music special.

You are famous in America, how does it feel?

“It’s weird! We have been interviewed a few times a week since the beginning of 2021. Last week we were on the morning show on Chicago News and on ABC. We found the right time, for me at 7am, and then at 12pm. We call it our sweetest place. Interviews are mainly about our name and how we came together as a group. This is a gimmick and we get it. But now, in addition to this fun story, we want to show our music. We want to draw attention to them. “

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How to create music remotely?

“Actually, Baltimore Paul and I often have an idea. We get in touch about this via social media, and then one of us has a drink. I was recently inspired by the 1914 movie. Then I sit down and write the song. Then I create a song line with the guitar and record it. I send it, Baltimore-Paul continues it. Once we know how it will be together, we will send it to Manchester-Ball for bass and Philadelphia-Ball for rhythm. ”

“We were actually more present than ever at working online. We’ve already worked like this before the first lock of 2020. It’s easy, because you can do this at your own time, at your own time. But I’m still missing out on playing together. Luckily I have two friends in Rotterdam. I’m been playing with him for about twenty years and I think it’s great to be in a rehearsal room or studio with the Paul O’Sullivan band. ”

How did you end up in Rotterdam?

“I left Ireland at the age of eighteen and then finished in Hellowightslois. Unemployment was high and there were a lot of jobs. Two years later I started to get bored of it and I left for Rotterdam. I lived with a group of friends in Crawling, and we had a great time there. With many parties and of course in the crawling pose, a symbol of the city in my opinion. I want to get there with my dog. Then I moved to New Zealand with my wife and think it was a special place. We had a view of the sky. I ‘ve been to New York once, but Rotterdam is awesome too. I was not born here, but my heart is here. ”

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What places would you like to visit as a music enthusiast?

“Rottown is definitely a place in Rotterdam. I can not count how many times I’ve been there. I’m a real concertgoer, so I go as often as I can. I also come to Masilo for big concerts. LantarenVenster is a good place. I went there in the evening, and then unexpectedly it gets crowded. I see less now. “

What is your dream for the band Paul O’Sullivan?

“Of course after this corona crisis I hope we can see each other and play together. I dream of doing a ‘four city tour’ and then we tour all our homes and perform everywhere. In Rotterdam, V11 would be a great place, wouldn’t it?” ? ”

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