Finding the city of Pharaoh near Luxor: “The largest discovery since the tomb of Tutankhamun” |  right Now

Finding the city of Pharaoh near Luxor: “The largest discovery since the tomb of Tutankhamun” | right Now

Archaeologists have discovered a more than 3,000-year-old Pharaonic city in Egypt. The city near the touristy Luxor was buried under a thick layer of sand throughout that time. Experts call the city the largest discovery since the tomb of Tutankhamun was discovered in the early 20th century.

The city was built more than 3,400 years ago, according to archaeologists, during the reign of Amenhotep III, one of the most powerful Egyptian pharaohs.

Archaeologist Zahi Hawass’s team began searching for a funerary temple in September. However, after a few weeks, they found bricks everywhere pointing in the direction of a larger structure.

Within weeks, archeologists excavated entire neighborhoods and a bakery was discovered as well. Some homes are up to 3 meters high and are still in good condition. In homes they found rooms full of everyday things. Rings, scarabs, colorful earthenware, and seals are also found.

The discovery was made near the Valley of the Kings, which is a popular tourist destination listed on the World Heritage List. The city of Pharaoh is located 500 km south of the capital, Cairo.

Archaeologists previously searched for the city of Amenhotep III

According to Hawass, several teams of archaeologists have tried in vain to locate the city of Amenhotep III in recent years.

Experts of the Amenhotep III era say that the excavations yielded a lot of knowledge for years to come. For example, a large number of ovens were found that were used to make glass and utensils. “Just locating these production centers gives us more details about how people live under a strong and wealthy government like Amenhotep III,” said Betsy Brian of the Johns Hopkins University news agency. Reuters.

Amenhotep III’s empire included a region stretching from the Euphrates to Sudan. In power for nearly four decades, he has been known to be someone who loves great monuments. Two large statues near Luxor, two Colossi of Memnon, depicted by him and his wife.

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Egypt transferred another 22 mummies of rulers from the Museum of Egypt in Cairo to the new National Museum of Egyptian Civilization last week. It also included the body of Amenhotep III and his wife Tiye.

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