FIFA 22 Preview – The first “real” version of the next generation of FIFA

FIFA 22 Preview – The first “real” version of the next generation of FIFA

title FIFA 22
a program PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S and Google Stadia

Afwijkend: PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch

Developer EA Sports – A Brand of Electronic Arts
publisher electronic arts
date of publication October 1, 2021

Football is the sport of moments. The moments that define the matches, but also the moments that you visit the match or watch the match on TV are special. The moment a crucial goal is scored, players and fans rebound. This moment should ideally be felt in football matches. So scoring should be conveyed more beautifully, better and more excitingly in FIFA 22 than ever before. This is not only in how you score the goal, but also in the look and sound of the whole thing. Think of the players’ faces and emotions, the effect of the flying ball on the ropes, and the hurricane of sound blasting from the stands. The game should offer the most realistic looking and sounding simulation of the best football moments.

If you think you’ve read this before, you’re right. Capturing football as stunning as possible is a recurring promise in EA Sports’ annual FIFA game. However, this year promises to be different and one can guess why. FIFA 22 is the first game in the series that will be available immediately for newer platforms upon release. FIFA 21 was also playable on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S, but only received the ‘Next Generation Upgrade’ in December 2020, with releases for older console generations still forming the basis of the whole. This is different this year. You can say that FIFA 21 was an unofficial start and the upcoming FIFA game will be the real debut of the series on the new consoles.

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This means that steps are taken in all types of systems. Recently, EA Sports introduced these innovations to the media and fans. An early version of the game can also be played, with the express goal of conveying innovations in audiovisual and gameplay. Of course there are also changes around the competitions. Consider the new features of well-known game modes such as Ultimate Team and Career Mode, but EA will release information on this at a later time.

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