Europe will attack Venus with the EnVision mission
EnVision will be the European Space Agency’s next orbiter on its way to Venus, which will provide a global view of the planet from the inner core to the upper atmosphere. The goal is to understand how and why Venus and Earth evolved differently. Could the story of Venus, this twin planet, shed light on Earth’s future fate?
The mission was selected by the Scientific Program Committee in the Committeewho who June 10 as the fifth middle-class mission in the agency’s global vision plan, scheduled for launch in early 2030.
« A new era in exploring our nearest neighbors, but very different from Solar System waiting for ussaid Gunter Hessinger, director of science at the European Space Agency. he met Recently announced Venus missions led by NASAWe will have a very extensive scientific program on this mysterious planet for most of the next decade. »
One of the main questions in planetary science is why, despite being the same size and composition, is our neighbor in the inner solar system النظام Climate change Also amazing: instead of being a habitable world like Earth, it evolves in it ambiance Toxic and packed in thick Zipper rich in sulfuric acid.
What a story Venus Did she live to this state, and does this foretell the fate of the earth if she must also submit? Global Warming disastrous? Is Venus still geologically active? Could it have protected the ocean and supported life? What lessons can be learned from evolution? terrestrial planets In general, as we discover moreouter planets Earthy style?
Learn all about structure, surface and atmosphere
EnVision’s innovative suite of tools will answer these big questions. The orbiter will carry a suite of European instruments, including a probe to detect subsurface layers, and spectrometer to study the weather and the surface. Spectrometers will come true Gas Track levels in the atmosphere and analyze surface composition, looking for any changes that may be associated with signs volcanoes Energetic. Radar provided by NASA It will send pictures and surface maps. In addition, the radio science experiment will make it possible to explore the internal structure and field of the planet gravity, as well as to study the structure and composition of the atmosphere. The tools will work together to best describe the interaction between the planet’s different boundaries – from the interior to the surface and into the atmosphere – to provide a comprehensive picture of the planet and its processes.
EnVision follows mission success Venus Express (2005-2014) from the European Space Agency, which has focused primarily on atmospheric research, but has also made amazing discoveries indicating the possible existence of volcanic hotspots on the surface of the planet. space ship Akatsuki from JAXA Since 2015, he has also been studying the atmosphere. EnVision will greatly improve the acquired radar images of the surface. Magellan From NASA in the 1990s. In conjunction with the following DaVinci+ missions (Exploring the deep atmosphere of Venus in search of noble gases, chemistry and imaging) in veritas (flower emission radio- Science, INSR, Topography and Spectroscopy) from NASA, three new spacecraft will present the most comprehensive study ever conducted on Venus.
A growing fleet of missions
« EnVision benefits from its partnership with NASA, providing excellence for European and American expertise in the field Thing Science and technology from Venus to create this ambitious missionGunther continues. EnVision promotes Europe’s role in the scientific exploration of the solar system. Our expanding mission fleet will give us and future generations the best ideas ever about how our planetary ocean works, especially relevant as we discover more and more unique exoplanet systems. »
EnVision promotes Europe’s role in scientific exploration of the solar system
« This is the new ESA mission, which aims to explore Venusmakes us happysays Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. EnVision takes advantage of the strengths of our agency when developing tools. Also with missions Discovery From NASA to Venus, the scientific community will have a powerful and synergistic set of new data to understand how Venus formed and how its surface and atmosphere have evolved over time. »
Chance 2031
After an initial call for a fifth mid-range mission concept in 2016, the final competition between Envision and Theseus took place, Transcendent Surveyor of the High Energy Sky and the Early Universe. Theseus proposed observing transient events in the sky and focusing in particular on gamma-ray bursts in the first billion years ofUniverse, to help make it Light In the first life cycle stars. While the EnVision mission has been recommended by the Scientific Program Committee, Thisus has also been recognized as a particularly compelling scientific mission that can make significant contributions to its field.
EnVision’s next step is to move to a detailed “definition phase” where the design of the satellite and instrument is finalized. After the design stage, a Project manager The European manufacturer was selected to build and test EnVision before launch on the launcher Ariane 6. EnVision’s biggest opportunity is in 2031, with other options possible in 2032 and 2033. It will take about 15 months to reach the planet, and another 16 months to generalize its orbit via airbrakes. The 92-minute orbit will be close to the pole and the altitude will be between 220 and 540 kilometers.
revolve around the sunand the Euclidand the Plato and the Ariel The tasks of the middle class have already been chosen. revolve around the sun It was launched in February 2020; EuclidDuring this decade, Plato and Ariel will be released.
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