Dwarf survival game The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria coming in 2023 – Games – News

The developer company Free Range Games is working on a game called The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria. It’s survival and editingThe game in which players take care of dwarf settlement. Return to Moria will be released exclusively on PC through the Epic Games Store.

On the return to Moria, the dwarves want to re-enter the mines of Khazad-Dom and must live there while building a settlement. The player creates his own elf and has to manage aspects such as sleep, hunger, temperature and noise. The game can be played solo or co-op with up to eight players, although it is not clear from the gameplay and descriptions if players can control one or more characters. actual mine procedurally born, Which means that every world is unique.

Players must survive Return to Moria by building, editing And of course me. Mined resources can be converted back into weapons, building blocks and magical amulets. On the other hand, mining resources make noise, and as movie fans know, they can awaken unwanted scum from the depths of Moria. So the player must take into account the attacks of orcs and other monsters.

Speaking of Peter Jackson films, The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria is set years after the events of the famous films. The game takes place in the fourth era, the movies of the third era. Sauron has already been defeated and therefore the Fourth Age is seen as a peaceful period in Middle-earth. It is not clear to what extent the return to Moria is related to the events of the films.

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