Dutch film Narcosis is dropping at the Oscars, and Knor still has a chance

Justo Entertainment
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Dutch feature film anesthesia by director Martin de Jong has dropped out of the Oscars race. Shortlists published by the State Academy (the organization of the Academy Awards ceremony). anesthesia It is no longer included in the Best Foreign Film category.
Still, two other Dutch films stand a chance of winning the prestigious film award. That’s how it is It’s nice here From director Robert Jonathan Coyers is on the shortlist for Best Animated Short Film, along with fourteen other films. The film is about police brutality against people of color and focuses on two characters, a black girl and a white cop, who remember a supermarket shooting very differently.
It’s nice here It received a Golden Calf nomination in the Netherlands. The animation was also on the Cannes Film Festival programming.
Watch the movie trailer here:
Another Dutch title still in contention for an Oscar is Stop-Motion Oink By director Masha Halberstad. The film was presented under the Best Animated Feature Film category. No shortlist has been announced for this category.
The movie is about a girl who gets a pig from her grandfather for her birthday. She forms a relationship with the pig, but Grandpa seems to be planning to eat the animal.
The film was well received by critics and won the Golden Calf Award in the Best Film category in September. It was the first time that an animated film had won the important Dutch Film Award. The film also won awards in the directing and design categories.
Marilyn Sloat, Knor’s producer, said Awards golden calf
On January 24, a number of contenders will drop out in each category and it will become clear which titles actually have a chance at winning the Oscar. The Film Awards Gala on March 12 in Los Angeles.
Watch Knor’s trailer below:
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