Documents confirm: Global was bidding for two FM frequencies

Documents confirm: Global was bidding for two FM frequencies

British media company Global Media & Entertainment signed up for two FM frequencies in an airwaves auction last summer. These two channels were unconditional, so no conditions were attached. This is evidenced by documents published after the appeal to the Open Government Act (WOO).

Global has shown interest in the FM frequencies on which Radio 10 and Radio Veronica can now be heard, that is, after the auction. The British media company registered for the FM auction of an office building in Amsterdam last March. It appears from the documentation. It is not clear why Global did not ultimately place a bid during the auction. The company owns the radio stations Global and Heart which are well listened to in the UK.

Power Media Group

Bauer Media Group was also mentioned as one of the media companies that wanted to participate in the FM auction, but the German media company cannot be found in publicly published documents. It is unclear whether this means that Bauer never registered or perhaps was not accepted.

There has been a lot of buzz around the FM auction. A “bloodbath” had been predicted in advance, but many stations kept their FM frequencies. However, parties like Talpa Network and BNR Nieuwsradio believe they paid too much for their FM packages.

Image: Global

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