Discover the magic of Latin America on the latest Travel Biz podcast

Discover the magic of Latin America on the latest Travel Biz podcast

In the latest episode of the Reisbizz Podcast, editor Natasja Hoogstede and editor Fleur Verster dive into the fascinating world of Latin America alongside Mariska van Vliet (owner of Latin Travel) and Natasja Eshuis (director of Travel Trend). A new chapter is published every month according to the specialty of Reisbizz magazine. This first chapter focuses entirely on Latin America.

The podcast offers an in-depth conversation about sales trends, emerging destinations and essential tips for moving to Latin America. Mariska and Natasja’s passion for the region is evident. Mariska shares how her love for Latin America began during her first trip to Brazil, while Natasja shares the story of how she fell in love with Mexico 28 years ago when she started as a Product Manager at Travel Trend.

The safety of solo travel in South America is also discussed. Natasja Eshuis, with her years of experience, offers reassuring tips and shares personal stories about her safe and hospitable encounters during her solo travels. Mariska talks about a recent research trip to Ecuador and emphasizes that fears of insecurity are often unjustified.

In addition, they discuss the challenges of overtourism in some hotspots and emphasize the importance of activities and the role of travel agencies in this. They also share which destinations are currently popular and have the best potential for the future.

Listen to this inspiring episode now below And breathtaking to be transported to Latin America, where, according to experts, “everything is perfect”.

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