Digital Concert & Special Magazine for astronomer Kiss de Jagger (100)

Digital Concert & Special Magazine for astronomer Kiss de Jagger (100)

Astronomer Kees de Jagger, one of the most famous residents of Texel, will be 100 years old on April 29. This day is celebrated with a digital ceremony from his classmates. The scientific journal New Science is also paying attention to the milestone: De Jager is on a cover The latest version The editors gave extensive interviews.

The Corona crisis forced a digital celebration with the ceremony. However, they are trying to get something special out of it. In the Online meeting It will be reflected on the work of Case de Jagger and its great importance for science.

Speaking to three people: Professor Ewen van Dieschwick (President of the International Astronomical Union), Professor Dr. Michael Wise (Director of the Dutch SRON Institute for Space Research) and Dr. Sebastian de Witt (President of the Royal Netherlands Weather Society). (And astronomy).

A painting with de Jagger will also be unveiled. This painting was made by Friends of Case de Jagger and will hang on the outside wall of the observatory.

If De Jager’s health permits, he will watch the action, they were said.

Kiss de Jagger (den Burg, 1921)

De Jager was born in Texel and studied physics, mathematics, and astronomy at Utrecht University. He received his PhD with distinction in 1952 for his research on hydrogen lines in the solar spectrum. Thereafter, he has been involved in solar energy research for decades, focusing on solar flares, super giants and giants.

His biography is particularly extensive: he became a lecturer at first and then a professor, founded various laboratories and was, among other things, the director of the Astronomy Institute Sonnenborg. He was honored with numerous awards, including honorary degrees and the Russian Gagarin Medal for Space Research. He lectured and wrote books.

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Especially, he was a talented runner, until his old age he still ran the Texel half marathon. He returned to his home island in 2003 and became an honorary citizen in 2006.

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