Des Gelder visited America:…

Des Gelder visited America:…

In 2022, Des Gelder made the leap to America to pursue his passion for soccer. Through KingsTalent he went to Louisiana Christian University where he could combine his talents with his studies. In an exclusive interview, Tess shares her journey, her reflections and her excitement about the new challenges ahead.

The Adventure Begins:

Tess still remembers how that first meeting with KingsTalent changed her life. “I thought about that before The King’s Talent and America, but not really the details of the whole process,” he explains. “Then my parents and I decided to investigate halfway through my junior year, and after a few phone calls we had a conversation. That conversation went really well and we started the process that day.

The idea of ​​going to America brought both joy and worry to Tess’s parents. Des says, “My parents were so happy and proud that I was able to do this adventure, but on the other hand, I was only 17, so they were also very excited to let me be on my own. All the challenges and new things that came my way.” The distance seems a little shorter with Tess video calling. “We all prefer that I return home temporarily every four months. It breaks the year in a positive way.

The transition to an American university brought its share of challenges, but Tess insists it was worth all the effort. “The whole process definitely took some effort and time, but it was definitely worth it The King’s Talent However, it made everything much easier and faster.

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Difference between Netherlands and USA:

Tess notes that soccer in America has a different dynamic than in the Netherlands. “There’s a big difference in how soccer is in America,” he explains. “Americans are real athletes: strong and fast. In the Netherlands I was used to technical and tactical football. In America, hard work is paramount. However, Tess quickly adapted to the American style of football and attracted the attention of other schools during his time at Louisiana Christian University.


The choice to transfer to Texas Southern University came from a familiar link. “The coach I played for the last two years at my previous school, Louisiana Christian University, is now the coach at my transfer school, Texas Southern University. She wanted to take me with her and that’s how the whole exchange process started.

Tess is excited about the future and her goals at Texas Southern University. “Of course I want to have fun together, improve myself as a person and as a footballer and achieve good results as a team,” he says firmly. “My absolute dream to accomplish with my new team is definitely to win our conference and go to Nationals!”

Want to learn more about sports and study in the US? And does this sound like a great adventure to you? And then our latest post Women’s football initiative at VV Gemert We will contact you soon!

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