was launched in Latin America was launched in Latin America has taken another global step, this time towards the Latin American community – by launching the Tenth Right and bringing crypto messages and insights to those already in the crypto universe and to foreigners. The Spanish version is now live, and there will be a Portuguese version this summer.

Source: Adobe / Wall Thormer

The new website will be managed by General Gaston Gatesman, director and creator of the Argentine – based gaming content Planets Agency. He has more than two decades of experience creating news websites in industries such as Codico Poker, Codico Esports and Codicosports.

“We share our interest in crypto. Gaston was very excited about this opportunity.”Said Kediminas Klebakas, CEO of “With his team, we look forward to delivering the best news in the region and a significant boost to local interest around the world. Since those in Latin America have a deep interest in crypto, we wanted to go big and work there as good partners.”

In 2019, was approached by Tony G, one of the founding entrepreneurs and project founders of Antonas Kuoka, Lithuania. She is though “Liked the idea from the beginning”, They brainwashed about starting their own crypto news site, Gatesman said.

Nevertheless, he met with the team behind to learn about their plans and past successes with other programs such as “We thought it would be wise to join forces and become allies rather than rivals. We strive for the same goal and are better at communicating with a deeper knowledge of the region.”The CEO said.

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For this purpose, the director of the new franchise said that it fits the purpose of their other sites:

“We want to be leaders in the area where we work, taking into account not only visits, but also seriousness and vital identity. We want the rest of the media to come to us for questions and a daily go-to platform for our users. , We achieve this by speaking the same language with the same enthusiasm as our readers. ”

The new website already has journalists in Argentina, Mexico, Brazil and Spain; They “Still looking for collaborators in every corner of the continent.”

Especially when it comes to interest in crypto assets in Latin America, the director argued it “Towards the future, places unknown to the world where things are likely to do right, put their name on the map” Maybe even “The Power Stations of this Revolution” Switch.

El Salvador has already attracted attention as Bitcoin (PTC) becomes the legal tender in this country.

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