Company of Heroes 3 – With Fans Preview

Company of Heroes 3 – With Fans Preview

title Heroes Company 3
a program windows
Developer entertainment leftovers
publisher Sega
date of publication 2022

All RTS fans know that Relic Entertainment has been working on Age of Empires IV for quite some time now. However, as it turns out, this is not the only game being developed in the studio. It looks like the Canadian developer has been working behind the scenes for a few years on a sequel to the game that has had its biggest hit: Company of Champions. Yes, a new company of heroes is coming, although you will have to be patient for a while. Although Relic has been working on the game for three years, it will take at least another year to get it to the store.

Before we dive into the ad, let’s first take a look at the history. Relic is close to fans of the Company of Heroes 3 series. It is a development that we see in more and more games, especially in the strategy genre games. Three years ago, when Company of Heroes 3 was just an idea, Relic reached out to the series’ most loyal fans. I gathered a group of ten fans and that became the basis for community council Who has always been involved in the development of the game. This board has now grown to seventy players, participating in all major decisions and introducing new ones regularly Builds From the game to play. The board is involved in all aspects of the game. From the place and the story to the smallest details of the game. That should lead to a game that becomes what fans of the series think of.

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unexpected places

Together with this board, Relic’s team has chosen a new deck for Company of Heroes 3. After landing on the beaches of Normandy and the icy battle on the Eastern Front, we now descend to the south. Heroes 3 takes you back to the landings in Normandy: the Allied attack on Italy in the fall of 1943. At least that’s the part that Relic wants to give up the most. The game also takes you back to what happened before: the battle in North Africa. However, Relic remains secretive about this part of the game.

The choice of that Mediterranean relic will be a surprise to many. Fans expected that if there was a sequel, its makers would choose to battle the Japanese in the Pacific. So Relic chose a different arena, especially since the battle in the Mediterranean is somewhat unknown, but no less fierce and heroic. It gives the team the opportunity to tell many beautiful, but not so well known stories, and above all offers the opportunity to present a very diverse landscape, of which we have only seen the Italian part. We were even able to play a very small part of this Italian part. of the campaign that is; What the game makers plan to do with multiplayer, they will explain later.

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