Coach, commentator and ‘game boy’ Madden dies: ‘He’s American football’

Coach, commentator and ‘game boy’ Madden dies: ‘He’s American football’

During his rehab, he received a teaching certificate and wanted to combine teaching with his much-loved sport, American football. After being an assistant and coach On smaller college teams, in 1969 he became CEO of the Oakland Riders, now known as the Las Vegas Riders. That was the case until 1978.

In the meantime, Madden had great success. He won the Super Bowl in his final season. He recorded 103 wins against 32 defeats and 7 tracks.

Stops due to fear of flying

Madden is the youngest coach to reach 100 more wins. Of the coaches who have guided more than 100 NFL games, he has the highest success rate. Madden retired as coach at the age of 42 due to health issues and fear of flying. In 1979 he had his first panic attack. Madden said due to claustrophobia in the air.

He later became a commentator and traveled across the United States by train and bus, specially modified for him on The Madden Cruiser. He did not attend games that were not played in the North American mainland, such as the All-Star Game and Pro Bowl, which he played in Hawaii at the time.

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