Climate Summit: The United States announces the closure of all coal-fired power plants

Climate Summit: The United States announces the closure of all coal-fired power plants

    John Kerry, the US President's special envoy for climate, speaks at the climate summit in Dubai, photo - Reuters

John Kerry, the US president’s special envoy for climate, speaks at the climate summit in DubaiReuters photo

News of the planned shutdown was welcomed at the summit as “big news” that could increase pressure on China as the world’s largest coal producer.

Coal is the most polluting fossil fuel – about 40 percent of fossil fuel emissions. The United States has the third largest coal park in the world. China has the largest number of coal-fired power plants: it is home to more than half of all coal-burning furnaces in the world. Nearly three-quarters of all new coal projects to be built are in China.

A new diplomatic initiative was also announced at the climate summit on Saturday: Coal transmission acceleratorWhich will be led by France. The initiative will focus on ending private financing for coal, supporting communities that previously relied on the fuel and accelerating clean energy development in those regions.

Finished by the author
Jean-Pierre Guillén works in the scientific editorial office of a journal De Volkskrant As editor of Nature and Biodiversity. He wrote, among other things, the book Blind Goldfinch – How I learned to watch birds.

US Vice President Kamala Harris also announced on Saturday that her country will contribute $3 billion to the United Nations Green Climate Fund (GCF).

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is the United Nations’ largest climate fund. These funds should help developing countries adapt to climate change. Half the budget goes to small island states that are already experiencing significant impacts from climate change and to less prosperous countries, including in Africa.

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