Climate activist Greta Thunberg calls the Glasgow climate summit a failure |  climate

Climate activist Greta Thunberg calls the Glasgow climate summit a failure | climate

In a speech to thousands of young people, Thunberg said that behind the scenes leaders of the Nordic countries refuse to act. According to the climate activist, global powers are doing nothing about climate change. “But they can’t ignore us,” Thunberg told the young men.

The climate activist argued that the people most affected by climate change remain unheard. “But the facts don’t lie,” Thunberg said. The climate activist warned that to ensure global warming is limited to 1.5 degrees, society must change radically. She described this as the result of the continued failure of world leaders to address the climate crisis. “We are tired of bla bla.”

Thousands of protesters, mostly children and young adults, demanded more action against global warming with a climate rally in Glasgow, where the COP26 climate summit is being held. Protest signs and banners with texts such as “Time to work” and “Don’t give up on us.” A 9-year-old protester hopes “today there will be a change”. According to the girl, “everyone can make a difference” in the fight against climate change.

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