Chris Verhool turns down DOVO transfer to FC Motown in America, but Weinendal will return soon, according to Henri Trost |  Amateur football

Chris Verhool turns down DOVO transfer to FC Motown in America, but Weinendal will return soon, according to Henri Trost | Amateur football

Attacker Chris Verhool (21) has returned a move from Veenendal to third division side DOVO. The striker was transferred to American FC Motown.

Verhool’s old club, Alden fourth divisionist AZSV, received an international transfer request from world confederation FIFA on Thursday to FC Motown from Morristown, New Jersey (which plays in the National Premier Soccer League).

AZSV received a message from the KNVB on Friday that Verheul’s registration had been withdrawn from AZSV to DOVO.

According to DOVO Technical Team President Henri Trost, Verheel will play for Wienendal next season. Chris Verhool is currently on vacation in New York, and a relative has requested an international transfer. However, he only wants to train at that club a few times. As far as the KNVB is concerned, there is no problem with his transfer to DOVO in August. Chris will play at DOVO next season.

Verhool, who lives in Steenderen, played for the fourth-division AZSV in Alden last season. It was announced that he would be moving to DOVO during the winter break.

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