China is angry with the United States after the American congratulations to the winner of the Taiwan elections outside
China responded angrily on Sunday to the congratulations offered by the United States to the winner of the presidential election in Taiwan. It was won by Lai Ching Te, a critic of China. Beijing describes the American congratulations as a “dangerous false signal.”
Lai's victory was a huge disappointment to China. The Democratic Progressive Party leader criticizes Chinese interference in Taiwan.
With Lai assuming the position of the new president, the ambition of Chinese Head of State Xi Jinping is disappearing even more. Xi wants Taiwan to fully enter the sphere of influence of the People's Republic of China again. But Taiwan wants to retain autonomy.
The United States also believes that it is important for everything to remain as it is. If only to continue access to the high-quality technology produced by Taiwan.
De relatie tussen China en Taiwan
- Taiwan is een eiland ten zuidoosten van het Chinese vasteland. In omvang is het iets kleiner dan Nederland. De Chinese Communistische Partij ziet Taiwan als een afvallige regio.
- De huidige verhoudingen zijn het gevolg van een burgeroorlog tussen de communisten en de nationalisten in de twintigste eeuw op het Chinese vasteland. De communisten wonnen die oorlog waardoor de nationalisten zich terugtrokken op het eiland dat nu Taiwan heet.
- Na de oorlog groeide op het vasteland van China de Communistische Partij uit tot de alleenheersende partij zoals we die nu kennen. De mensen in Taiwan ontwikkelden een manier van zelfbestuur met een eigen leger, munteenheid en vrije verkiezingen.
- De Chinese president Xi Jinping heeft gezegd dat Taiwan op een dag weer bij China zal horen en dat daarbij indien nodig geweld wordt gebruikt.
Congratulations 'would send a seriously wrong signal'
The United States will not say out loud that it is happy with the results of the Taiwanese elections, because it does not want to offend China. However this still happens with the message on the X.
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken wrote on Saturday evening: “We congratulate Lai Ching-te on his victory in the presidential elections in Taiwan.”
Blinken continued: “We also congratulate the people of Taiwan for participating in free and fair elections and demonstrating the strength of their democratic system.”
in a permit China describes the US response as a “serious violation of the one-China principle.” It would also “send a very wrong message.”
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Under the “One China Policy,” the United States recognizes the People’s Republic of China, not Taiwan, as “one China.” For this reason, the United States, for example, does not have any formal diplomatic representation in Taiwan. However, it already has an embassy in Taipei. It is called the American Institute.
This institute announced on Sunday that US President Joe Biden sent a delegation to Taiwan on an unofficial visit. It concerns a former security advisor and former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.
They travel privately officially, as visiting Taiwan is politically sensitive. The American Institute reported that the delegation will meet starting Monday “with a group of political figures.” Previous visits by (former) American politicians regularly provoked strong Chinese reactions.
Taiwan calls on China to “stop repression”
Meanwhile, Taiwan's Foreign Ministry called on Beijing to “face reality” after the ruling party critical of China won. The ministry wants the People's Republic of China to “stop suppressing Taiwan.”
Lai says he has no intention of declaring Taiwan's independence. He said in his victory speech that he wants to cooperate with China on the economic front. Despite all the tensions, it remains Taiwan's largest trading partner. Lai also said he wanted to pursue peace and stability, though he promised that Taiwan would “no longer be intimidated by Chinese hostilities” under his leadership.
Most countries of the world recognize the People's Republic of China as “one and only China”, but at the same time have unofficial relations with Taiwan.
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