Charging Point Neem Vricity is over administrative people

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Network acquires ChargePoint ViriCiti in North America and Europe. ViriCiti is a provider of electrification solutions for eBus and commercial vehicle fleets.

At the end of the deal, the total acquisition amount is set at 75 million euros. ViriCiti Group, customer accounts and technology will become part of the Charging Point business. Along with the pending acquisition of a leading European provider of e-mobility technology, this transaction confirms the company’s development plans in North America and Europe.

Improving electrical functions

Through this acquisition, Charge Point expands its portfolio of vehicle charging solutions with software, hardware and services. The integration of Vricity’s service providers helps the Navy improve electrical functions including battery management, charging station monitoring, vehicle OEM telematics, vehicle maintenance and vehicle performance data.

The integrated solution is to optimize overtime electrification, monitoring and reporting, optimizing to ensure low cost operational readiness and pre-determined optimal routes for integrated vehicle and charging station management. By upgrading existing systems, Charge Point Infrastructure can provide complete solutions for electric fleet operators through optimization and development from initial construction.

‘Electricity of the future’

“The future of the Navy is electricity, and integrated charging solutions in many business systems in today’s depots are essential for successful electrification,” said Pascual Romano, Chairman and CEO of Charge Point. Ebus also brings greater functionality to commercial naval operators, while also being available to integrate with other existing vehicle management providers. With all types of navies in North America and Europe constantly being electrified, this integrated solution emphasizes the importance of software for EV charging systems and the availability of functionality at low cost. “

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Founded in 2012, ViriCiti currently has more than 50 employees in the Netherlands and the United States, supporting approximately 150 naval managers with 2,500 network ports and 3,500 connected vehicles under management. Vricity’s customers include Ariva, Berliner Verkerspetribe, Chicago Transportation Authority, Gillig, Kiolis, King County Metro, Metropolitan Transportation Authority (New York), Picnic, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Authority and Toronto Transportation Authority.


Vricity City CEO Freak Delezen said: “For the past nine years, our mission has been to help naval operators manage their electrical operations. Use these resources.

Dr. Jose Ceras Pereira, Consultant Director, Mobility Group, Frost & Sullivan, confirms: “The demand for efficient software tools for collecting, analyzing and recommending vehicle types, hardware charging, on-site energy requirements and other operational strategies has never been greater. , Analysis and advice are expected to be key portfolio elements for any entrepreneur who can offer a full offer of electrification services in the B2B system and help accelerate naval electrification over the next decade. , Which already includes a scalable EV charging platform with hardware, installation and naval management services, Charging Point is now well equipped to provide large and small naval operators with the full tools needed to plan and execute their business. cts. “

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