Carlo Boszhard gained 10 kilos during the holidays in lockdown

Carlo Boszhard gained 10 kilos during the holidays in lockdown

For Carlo, it’s always about taking care of his body. Recordings for the second season of D I can see your voice He was happy with himself. “My weight was 83 kilograms. The jackets closed beautifully, slept well, drank a lot of water, so I did not have bags under the eyes, but they were fresh and fruity.”

For the third season of the show, Carlo left the balance for what it was. “In the middle of lockdown and holidays, there’s no way to go, except in the fridge. Then quickly in front of the tube, I just nibble on my delicious tail: cherry pie.”

Even after Carlo’s recordings Married at first sight in a masked singer Leave the reins loose for a moment. Soon, the scales reached 92 kilograms, which shocked him. “And as icing on the cake, I’m a night owl, so I could easily put together a midnight thriller. Cool, but not if the circles under your eyes make you look like a panda. Race against time to look somewhat like Carlo’s press photo in a matter of days. few”. So what is the answer to Carlo? water. “So I drink a liter of blue in the spa,” says the presenter in his column.

in a masked singer Carlo had another awkward moment, due to his slightly narrowed shirt being ripped off. You can see the part below.

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