But *why* are so many companies so aggressively involved in this transgender thing?  It is the BlackRock ESG Corporate Equity Index

But *why* are so many companies so aggressively involved in this transgender thing? It is the BlackRock ESG Corporate Equity Index

Important question with a capital V question mark ? ?

unilever, adidas, podliteAnd strongholdAnd Miller LiteAnd transformersAnd Disneyand family businesses NATO and D66, Goal etc. for a while. What catches them? Is it really just a desire to sail with supremacy over the social contagion almost entirely responsible for the astronomical rise in trans states? Is it really the fact that HR MEEPs come from mainstream social sciences and orthodox faculties out there Council chambers to smugglers?

Well, asking the question is the answer to it because, of course, the answer is; no. There is one above all organic explanations Black Rock Knife On the throat From companies: Environment, Social and GovernanceAlso called ESGs Corporate Equity Index (CEI), supervised by the world’s largest 2SLGBTQI+ lobby “””Human Rights Campaign Foundation“””(wiki).

BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager and one of the largest shareholders in the largest companies. Hence BlackRock CEO Larry Fink would be law.

Black Rocks Corporate Equity Index Grants a maximum of 100 points for “1. Protecting the workforce (5 possible points), 2. Inclusive benefits (50 possible points), 3. Supporting an inclusive culture (25 possible points), 4. Corporate social responsibility (20 possible points) and 4. Responsible citizenship (25 points ) maybe).

less “corporate social responsibility”, Good for 20 points, we find:Marketing or advertising to LGBTQ consumersFor example: advertising with LGBTQ+ contentadvertising in LGBTQ media or sponsoring LGBTQ organizations and events).

In short, this flood of transgender commercials accounts for one-fifth of those highly sought after ads Corporate Equity Indexa result. because Wei to the defeated If you are out The boat falls.

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do not want!


BlackRock ESG at breakneck speed unless you’re in class


Most coveted corporate titles (more after the break)

Why? this is the reason

CEO Larry Fink

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