Brothers Berry and Karim start Deli Sweets: ‘The products are different from them in the Netherlands’

Brothers Berry and Karim start Deli Sweets: ‘The products are different from them in the Netherlands’

Karim (29) and Berry (31) Demirel have always wanted to do business together. At first, their dream was to open a coffee shop. Become an online American candy store. Karim: “We are already receiving orders from all over the country. Our goal is to become very big: The sky is the limit. “

Karim and Perry grew up in Deventer. Karim still lives in town, Berry moved to Bathman. Brothers are close, and always have been. Berry: “Our parents divorced and we had an eventful childhood. This made our bond strong.


The brothers have an older sister and three half-brothers. Karim: “If you come from a family of five, you cannot live together equally. You already have chemistry with certain people. Perry and I have that.”

According to Perry, this is because they share the same humor. “This is really important.” Sure, boys quarrel from time to time. “Then we hung up, but after five minutes we called. Then everything is fine again,” says Karim.

Open your coffee shop

In December, their Daily Sweets online store launched. “Since January 2021 we have become a serious company,” says Karim proudly. “We really wanted to open a cafe. But it turned out to be unrealistic. You have to put a lot of your own money and you can’t do anything wrong. It’s not possible yet. Berry has a paint company and I work in healthcare.”

The idea arose on Family Day

The idea of ​​the online store originated in the summer, on a family day. “We wanted to start a web store in a niche market. Something that wasn’t there yet.” Turns out that was an American dessert. Berry: “One of my clients has a wholesaler. He sells sweets all over the world and he said to me, ‘Why don’t you go for sweets?’

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American candy

Berry: “They are American products. You can’t get this at the supermarket in the Netherlands. You might find Reese in certain stores, but it is of at most one or two types. We sell ten items.” Karim adds, “There is no place that serves as much sweets and soft drinks as in America. The products are also slightly different than in the Netherlands. This is how we sell it.” Pepper-King Habanero Chips. These are very sharp chips that you must keep out of the reach of children. We also have Cheetos. Everyone knows those chips, but we love Cheetos popcorn Spicy flamin. We also sell Pancakes pop. You often see them on the American Netflix series. They are sweet snacks that you put on toasters until the inside melts. In America they eat that for breakfast. “

Difficult to choose

In total, there are just over two hundred individual products and mysterious boxes grouped on the site. “It shouldn’t be too much,” says Karim. “People won’t know what to choose anymore.” From time to time they adjust the width. “We ignore our own taste.” The brothers aren’t big desserts anyway. Berry: “We count calories and exercise every day. That doesn’t mean we don’t taste what we buy,” he says, laughing.

We don’t run our hands to get a nice piece of chocolate

Karim: “We don’t turn our hands to get a nice piece of chocolate. But it’s not like I go upstairs every day to get something.” Karim indicates the office where the candy stock is kept. This is in my place now. When we are a little bigger, we want our own build. ”

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Do everything together

The brothers do everything together: from collecting candy from the supplier to packaging it. “We tried to make a split. Generous is the creative side and I’m the business side, but we are helping each other and still we are interfering with each other’s work.”

Despite the fact that they are just starting out, things are moving fast. We currently have about six to seven hundred visitors to the site every week. We are now more than two hundred requests. We weren’t expecting that. ”These requests are coming from all over the country. Even from Belgium. It’s exciting when things like that happen. Ultimately, we want everyone’s name. Daily desserts Known. We want to grow: The sky is the limit. ”

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