Brett Decker reveals: So it is with the Talpa necklace (Earth)

Brett Decker reveals: So it is with the Talpa necklace (Earth)

Britt says her loved ones call her an “idiot” when she plans to order a horse from John de Mol in exchange for software work. So it’s forbidden.

When Erland Gallagard, now Talpa’s strategic advisor, settles with his daughter in the same stable as Brett, she ignores advice, seeing her opportunity. That same evening, he had a date with John. Erland thought it was a great idea and said, ‘I’ll present it to him.’ In the end I was able to get a horse out of the contract negotiations.”

This means that Brett does not earn a penny for her two years of work at Talpa, but gets the horse to train in the best stable and then compete at a high level. With success: Last October, Bret became the Dutch Dressage Champion at the Iberian National Open with George.

She thus regains her place in the European Championships for Iberian horses, eventually achieving a silver and a bronze with Georges. That’s why Britt looks proudly at the special terms of her contract: “So what if everyone thinks you’re crazy? Then you think outside the box.”

Britt writes about the European Championships that made many competitors smell horse poop:

the new LINDA. girls with Britt Dekker on the cover will be in stores from Tuesday, January 3.

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