Blizzard kicks off Overwatch 2 Season 2 with Champions Updates – Games – News

Activision Blizzard will release the first credit updates for the characters known as heroes starting with Season 2 of Overwatch 2. Until December 6, the developer does not plan to modify the strength and upgrade abilities of the heroes.

According to Blizzard So far, the heroes are well balanced, given the characters’ win percentage: “Every hero in the game has a 45-55 percent win rate and we don’t plan to implement immediate balance changes based on what we’re rolling out. We’ve seen so far.” (…) Instead, we plan to make changes with the start of Season 2. The only major change that will come in the near term is a tweak to how Zarya works in Total Mayhem game mode. Blizzard doesn’t provide details on what exactly will change.

The developer stated that while there are stronger and weaker heroes within certain player levels, no playable character across the board falls outside the goal of a 45-55 percent win percentage. While only three new heroes were introduced to the game with the release of Overwatch 2, many of the characters from the original game have also been significantly modified in terms of Capabilities. However, according to Blizzard, there is no reason to make major changes to the balance sheet.

Blizzard adds, “We’ll continue to look at the numbers around the champions and hear from players before we release the final changes in Season Two.” The current first season of Overwatch 2 started with the release of the game and will last for exactly two months in total. On December 6th, or maybe a day earlier or later, depending on time zones The second season of the game has begun.

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Overwatch 2 Sojourn

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