Baseball player Robbers (19) was promoted in the United States

Baseball player Robbers (19) was promoted in the United States

Woodenberg – Baseball player Cem Robbers has taken a good step in the world of American baseball. Woodenberger, 19, has been promoted to Vancouver Canadian by Blue Jays, who plays in the Minor League.

That’s the high-A team of the Toronto Blue Jays organization. On average, players do not take that action until they are 22 years old. Pitcher Robbers is in his early nineties.

In 2019, at the age of 17, Roberus signed a professional contract with the Toronto Blue Jays. A club from Canada is affiliated with the US MLB. There he started at the rookie level, from where he has now taken the next step on the way up.

Robbers began his baseball career at Red Caps Louston. He then left for UVV in Utrecht. He finished at Quick Amersport via Simidars and HCAW.

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