Audi’s dress shines on The Bold: ‘I’m so proud’

Audi’s dress shines on The Bold: ‘I’m so proud’

Fans of the popular series The Bold and the Beautiful should pay attention: the design that no one else can see in Thursday’s series except Audi von Den Gromanacker. Actress Heather Tom, played by Katie Logan, wears the Brabant work.

“I’m so proud,” says Den Posh’s fashion designer on Omroep Brabant’s radio show Afslag Zuid. “I was asked to send a book called the Lookbook in the summer. Eventually they asked for several pieces and I sent them to Los Angeles.”

Cover clothing
According to Audi, the stylist for the American series was very interested in his job. Heather Tom is wearing a long sleeve wrap dress in black and light orange.

According to Audi, these are works that have already been shipped to the United States. “They chose a few looks that they liked, and that too fit the series.”

More dresses coming soon
Audi’s designs will be more in the series that has been running for decades. “There are still costumes in Los Angeles. They keep asking me for new things. I sent them all.”

Audi did not go to the United States for work for the first time. For example, she previously dressed up for actresses during the Oscars and was on America’s next top model show. “It’s too soon to go to the United States. Appreciate this work there. Europe will be very good to them. America’s next top model will be broadcast in forty countries. Yes, then emails will start coming in.”

read more: Women back in evening dresses from Audi on Televizier-Gala

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