At Breaks for the Wild Beast, Lawrence Ten Dam and Thomas Decker’s Crazy Tomb Adventures

Meanwhile in Africa: Breaks for the Wild Beast, Lawrence Ten Dam and Thomas Decker's Crazy Tomb Adventures

© Andre van den Ende
Meanwhile in Africa: Breaks for the Wild Beast, Lawrence Ten Dam and Thomas Decker’s Crazy Tomb Adventures

After America’s first gravel adventure, it was even more intense on another continent!

After taking part in the precious outgoing gravel race – Lawrence Ten Dam took second place – Thomas Decker and Lawrence Ten Dam were still waiting for the exciting gravel adventure. They took part in a four-day migration gravel race in Kenya, via the Maasai land and the Wild Beast.

Yes, the Wild Beast. You will meet them on the Kenyan gravel roads, you can see in the video below. Below that we put some beautiful pictures of Thomas, Lawrence and the Race system’s Instagram accounts. Enjoy, how cool should it be to drive there ?!

Yes, Lawrence won the general category of ten dam races and Thomas Decker was fifth. But that may have been the thought behind this trip


Very relevant (and beautiful) logo

But still the best race. Check out these pictures! (Swipe more)

An idea of ​​how such a situation goes

So a win for Lawrence

With the winner’s costume presentation

But this is so important!

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