Around the world by bike: Finally arrived in America

Around the world by bike: Finally arrived in America

On March 20, it was confirmed that Linda would have Govt-19. We are not allowed to board Queen Mary 2. Five weeks later we are still luxurious and stylish on this sea liner. We are ready to cross the Atlantic.

All staff welcome us on board and our stateroom is perfect. We will be in New York in 7 days. You can see the Statue of Liberty from our balcony on the left side of the ship. We are excited!

Cycling around the world

Linda Reimerstall and Ben van Bertwijk from Maastricht set out in June 2020 to cycle around the world for many years. Be sure to read their travel blog here.

For us, Queen Mary 2 is a way to cross the Atlantic Ocean. We would have taken a cum or cargo ship. But as always, we travel in a row with what we have. In the meantime, we fully experience this at least once in a lifetime.

Eating at a Britannia restaurant is like going to a Michelin star restaurant. All the staff are standing in line when we enter. The food is very tasty.

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There are two gala evenings. We skip the first one because we only have cycling clothes. Instead, we have our own feast on a bottle of sparkling wine on our balcony.

To sneak up on

We like to dine at the restaurant instead of going to the buffet, so on the second gala night we sneak out in the best costume we can think of. We wear black cycling underwear and shorts and socks. There is no one to say anything about it. To find balance in all diets, we go to the gym twice a day for 1 hour. It keeps us somewhat fit.

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By the fourth day we were crossing, the sea was rough, but the ship was very stable. Every day at 12 o’clock a message comes from the captain. We now know why Halifax could not find the ship. At this time of year, a more southerly trend should be maintained to avoid glaciers.


The day before we landed, we were already seeing some sponges. We are approaching the beach. New York, here we come! Time flew by so fast. Faster than we thought. Are we going to do this again? If you can not find a sailboat or cargo ship, this is definitely a good option.

Instead of flying to New York, the only way to get past the Statue of Liberty is by boat. Then we see the sky of Manhattan. All that at sunrise. The magic!

We disembark early in the morning in Brooklyn with fully loaded bikes. Another full day to look around in Brooklyn and Manhattan. We never get tired. On board, it was able to gradually adapt to the new time zone.

Each skyscraper has many trees and the greenery around it is almost artistic. We enjoy the architecture and vibrancy of the Big Apple. Many majestic houses with beautiful entrances and fire escape the front. We see ads everywhere with big and loud letters trying to sell you all kinds of products.

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