Announcing the winners of the Ratzinger Prize 2022

Announcing the winners of the Ratzinger Prize 2022

Pope Francis will award the 2022 Ratzinger Prize on December 1 to two scholars who have made outstanding contributions to theology.

In 2011, the Ratzinger Prize was established to honor scholars who, like Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, have made a real and meaningful contribution through their work.

Ecumenical Dialogue

This year’s award was given to Professor Michel Vido SJ and Professor Joseph Halevi Horowitz Wheeler. Pope Francis’ successor will do so in person during a ceremony at the Vatican on December 1.

Michel Vido is a French Jesuit father who has taught dogmatic theology at the Sèvres Center in Paris since 1987. He was also president of the theological faculty there. He actively participates in ecumenical dialogue and is a member of several theological organizations that focus on dialogue with Lutheran and Orthodox Christians.

Right to the cross in class

Joseph Halevi Horowitz Weiler is a Jewish jurist in several universities and international institutions. Weiler was born in South Africa, but is an Italian and American citizen. He is the author of several books on constitutional, international and European law and human rights. As a professor, he works not only in America, but also in various European countries.

In Italy, Feiler rose to prominence when he defended a case before the European Court of Human Rights over Italian law requiring a cross to be hung every semester. In the game Lautsi vs. The Italian court ruled in March that this provision did not violate the European Convention on Human Rights.

Previous winners

The laws of the Ratzinger Foundation state that scholars who have made an exceptional contribution through their scientific publications and/or research are eligible.

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A total of 26 people have been awarded the award so far. By the way, this included not only scholars, but also composers, musicians, architects and writers who made a unique contribution to the world of arts in connection with Christianity. Among them are not only Catholics, but also Anglicans and two Orthodox Christians.

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