All silage corn samples in the United States are contaminated with mycotoxins

All silage corn samples in the United States are contaminated with mycotoxins

Rates of mycotoxins in corn have increased in the United States. This is also important for the Dutch cattle breeder.

Mycotoxins are one of the most harmful contaminants in grain and forage crops. Fungi that produce these toxic toxins can cause permanent damage to dairy cows. Wisconsin Dairyland Laboratories tests corn kernels and corn kernels for 17 different toxins. The lab found significant levels of mycotoxins in the corn samples shipped compared to previous years.


This is mainly related to Deoxynivalenol (DON). It is one of the most common mycotoxins. It causes inflammatory processes in the intestines and the body of cows. 92% of silage corn samples contained DON. It was 85% in the previous two years. 81% of corn kernel samples contained DON, up from 64% the previous two years.

If farmers suspect a problem with corn or another crop, they can send a sample. In this case it is corn. Therefore the results are not representative of the total maize harvest.

The risk of mycotoxins varies from year to year. The formation of toxic toxin-producing fungi depends, among other things, on growing season conditions and silage method. Older silage pits are more sensitive to mycotoxins. It is a good idea to test these pits for mycotoxins before feeding them.

High risk of mycotoxins

This situation may be relevant in the US, but it is also important for the Dutch farmer. Due to the shortage, the quality of feed materials decreases, which increases the risk of mycotoxins. Due to hot summer, more fungi are coming towards us from other countries. This requires attention and preparation, as mycotoxins can seriously damage animal health. So we need to control the effects of mycotoxins.

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