African family bash: 3 children killed by lions in Tanzania |  abroad

African family bash: 3 children killed by lions in Tanzania | abroad

The world-famous Ngorongoro Nature Reserve, in northern Tanzania, was the setting for a harrowing drama on Monday. Four young children were taken out of nowhere in the woods by a group of lions. This happened while they were looking for cattle that had escaped from their place of residence. Three of them did not survive the attack. The fourth victim is in hospital with serious injuries.

Reports said the children, aged between 9 and 11 and from the same family, came home from school on Monday and then went into the woods to look for livestock believed to have escaped. Watchman Based on the police in Tanzania.

They were researched in a forest near the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, a World Heritage Site with the highest concentration of wildlife in Africa, including lions, leopards and leopards. During the search, the children encountered quite a few lions, after which a life-threatening situation soon developed.

A primary school principal told the local African newspaper that the children fled and climbed trees to escape the lions Citizen. The children could not get rid of the animals and died instantly of their wounds.

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The horrific attack hit the area like a sledgehammer. Police Chief Justin Macejo has made an urgent appeal to local residents to remain vigil at all times near the nature reserve. “I advise the nomadic communities around protected areas to always take precautions against wildlife, especially when children are tasked with looking after livestock,” Masejo said.

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Tanzania allows some nomadic communities, such as the Maasai, to live and live in its national parks. However, the population sometimes comes into conflict with wild animals such as lions and elephants, causing frequent infections and destroying crops. Watchman.

Last year, Tanzania had to relocate 36 lions from the Serengeti National Park after attacks on people and livestock in nearby communities. The East African country earns nearly €1 billion annually from tourism. Wildlife parks such as Serengeti and Ngorongoro are very popular among foreign tourists.

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