About 400 private jets fly ‘green’ royals and CEOs to the top of the climate abroad

About 400 private jets fly ‘green’ royals and CEOs to the top of the climate abroad

to write daily mail. Hundreds of private jets, including Prince Albert of Monaco, several royals and dozens of “green” chief executives have landed on board in recent days for the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow.

In fact, air traffic was so crowded last Sunday that some planes had to fly to nearby Prestwick to ground the planes. Some also landed in Edinburgh, probably before traveling overland.

I mentioned on Sunday daily mail At least 52 private aircraft have landed in Glasgow and the total number of flights that have landed for the conference is estimated at 400. Private jets are expected to emit a total of 13,000 tons of carbon dioxide, according to the Daily Mail – the equivalent of the amount 1,300 Dutch people consume in an entire year.

G20 in Rome

Several private jet passengers, including Prince Charles, South Korean President Moon Jae-in and Prime Minister Boris Johnson, came from the G20 meeting in Rome. Prince Albert of Monaco also chose to come on a private jet.

Joe Biden arrived in Edinburgh on Monday, while German Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron arrived in Glasgow. According to the Daily Mail, President Biden alone will generate an estimated one million pounds of carbon to reach the top, thanks to a fleet of four planes, a Marine One helicopter, a massive motorcade including The Beast and several SUVs.

Hundreds of other Climate Summit visitors were a little less fortunate when a major storm shut down the train line last Sunday. So many travelers failed to reach the top of the climate and some had to sleep on the floor of Euston Station in London.

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The Glasgow Climate Conference will take place from 31 October to 12 November.

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