A rare weather phenomenon in the United States: the sky turns green during severe weather

A rare weather phenomenon in the United States: the sky turns green during severe weather

Derecho is a huge storm complex that can reach 400 kilometers in length. This phenomenon travels quickly across the country, and can bring hurricane-like winds, torrential rain, and thunderstorms. This type of weather is more common in the interior of the United States, but sky discoloration is rare.

The calm before the storm

According to the National Weather Service (NWS), the US KNMI, the sky changes color before showers, or sometimes during severe weather. According to meteorologist Peter Rogers of the NWS, the reason is the way the sun shines on certain particles in the atmosphere, he says. New York times.

“It has attracted a lot of attention,” Rogers says. Green skies were more visible in and around Sioux Falls, with many residents capturing the phenomenon and posting it on social media.

According to the NWS, green may indicate that hail is about to fall. It didn’t happen on a large scale, but there were showers in some places. In neighboring Minnesota, a baseball-sized hailstone was found.

strong winds blowing

Dericho brought strong winds, which in some places reached speeds of nearly 100 miles per hour. Total damage is unknown, but there were no casualties near Sioux Falls, where the sky turned green. But some buildings, trees and power cables were damaged.

The central states of the United States, collectively referred to as the Great Plains, are likely to experience similar climatic conditions. In the summer of 2020, Dericho caused massive damage. Electricity was cut off for 250,000 people, killing four people.

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