A massive fire threatens a Canadian city and the evacuation of 20,000 residents |  climate

A massive fire threatens a Canadian city and the evacuation of 20,000 residents | climate

Yellowknife is the capital of the Northwest Territories and has over twenty thousand residents.

According to the authorities, people are in danger and must leave. Residents should go to the local stadium and follow the directions of professional lifeguards, according to the Northwest Territories government website.

The people around Yellowknife are currently at the highest risk and need to leave as quickly as possible. The site reported that other residents had until Friday to evacuate.

  • Canada’s worst wildfire season ever

    Canada is currently experiencing its worst wildfire season on record. More than 1,000 wildfires have already been burning across the country, 230 of them in the Northwest Territories.

    Thousands of residents of this sparsely populated region in the Arctic Circle have already been evacuated. On Sunday, the village of Enterprise, near the border with the province of Alberta, was completely destroyed by a fire on Sunday.

    Northwest Territories Premier Caroline Cochran earlier said some citizens were leaving Yellowknife as a precaution and urged residents to remain calm.

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