Data science: legal and ethical issues

Data science: legal and ethical issues

Data Science, or in Dutch: Data Science. This podcast is a three-episode series on data science with professors from Maastricht University and the Brightlands Institute for Intelligent Society (BISS). In the past weeks we have spoken with Rudolf Müller and Lisa Bruggen. Today Gijs van Dijck, a professor of private law, is a guest on the series’ conclusion. With him we delve into the legal and ethical issues surrounding data science.

Data science: legal and ethical issues

Jess Van Dyck is Professor of Private Law at Maastricht University. He has a legal background and did a lot of empirical research during his Ph.D. with a specialization in Network Analysis. At the moment, Gijs is focusing on projects with companies from BISS. Gijs is the expert in the field of legal and ethical issues in the use of data science.

data ethics

Gijs often wonder “How good is your data and how good are the conclusions you draw from it?” A common misconception is that data ethics, in which conscious thinking is made about how we want to deal with data, states a “correct” way of dealing with data. That we can set rules for ‘appropriate’ usage and if the organization applies these rules, they do it ‘correctly’. There are also downsides to data ethics and Gijs explains why.

Business and Data Science

Of course there are already “ready to use” products. Already tested systems that you can take over. But what is the problem with this? Do companies know what to choose? And what could go wrong? The most important message from Gijs: “The less you know, the more critical you should be.” Listen to the podcast and find out why a critical stance is important and how you can better evaluate it.

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More about Jess Van Dyck

everything about him Brightlands Institute for Smart Society (BISS)

More about the work professor

Do you have questions or input? Please contact Wendy van Ierschot at [email protected].

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