Plant-Based Parenting Didn’t Work Out, Britt Talks About It

Plant-Based Parenting Didn’t Work Out, Britt Talks About It

vegetableSource: Pixels

Britt, 35, has three children and lives in the Randstad. She writes a weekly column for Kek Mama about her experiences as a mother of three. She has been trying to raise her children vegan for years, with little success so far.

“From the moment my eldest son started eating his first bites, about 7.5 years ago, I tried to raise him as a vegetarian. This meant not trying meat at all for the first few years. Then meat if he chose, but where he knew what he was eating. The reason is that I haven’t eaten meat for half my life, because I think it’s unnecessary suffering for animals and it’s very bad for the climate.

plant parenting

Since my son could talk, I would explain to him what my father, a voracious meat eater, put on his plate. A piece of dead cow or a chicken slaughtered especially for my father’s plate. It doesn’t sound very romantic, but it’s not. Let’s call it what it is, shall we?

I did the same with the second and third. You might think the result would be three vegetarian kids. Well, not so. It turns out that the meat on Dad’s plate is very appealing to my palate. I also teach them to always taste everything and to take this habit seriously. So they want to take a bite of every dead animal on Dad’s plate. Out of curiosity.

This is a dead duck on my father’s plate.

At that point, they don’t really care that it’s a dead duck. Of course, to my disappointment, but I don’t tell them that. I also highly value making my own choices. Above that they become vegetarians. I guess…

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I walked past a door with four meat eaters a while ago and had given up on my hopes of ever becoming vegetarians for a while. Until last week, when my son said he didn’t want to eat dead animals anymore. Ha, that’s where it caught my attention. He said he found it a little weird that animals were killed for people to eat. And that was his reasoning, I love all animals, so I won’t eat them.


And so it happened, because he went from a carnivore to a herbivore. Without any effort, by the way. A few days later, I accidentally gave him another wrapper that also had chicken strips in it and he immediately returned it. “I’m not a carnivore anymore, Mom.” Oh yeah, that’s right. I made him a vegan wrapper and patted myself on the back. My efforts hadn’t been in vain after all.

Baby makes a conscious choice and no longer eats meat. #momgoals”

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