Microbiologists join forces – Online Resources

Microbiologists join forces – Online Resources

This collaboration should take physical form in the new building to be built in 2025 on the existing parking lot next to Access.

Five chair groups will be housed in the new house: microbiology, systems and synthetic biology, bioprocess technology, host-microbe interactions, and toxicology. In addition, the Bioconversion group (Wageningen Research) and the NWO Unlock program will move into the new building.

Private building

Those who initiate it WMC They are microbiology professors Theis Ettema and Hoek Smit. WUR joins WMC in the list of such institutes. There is already such a center in Leiden and UMC centers in Utrecht, Amsterdam, Groningen and others. However, they are intended for the action of microorganisms in the human body. Moreover, these are virtual centers without their own buildings.

An artist's impression of the new headquarters of the Wageningen Microbiome Centre

Wageningen's research in microorganisms covers a much broader field than nutrition and human health. Microorganisms also play a major role in animal, plant and soil populations. In total, about twenty Wageningen groups conduct research on bacteria, viruses, archaea, fungi, microalgae or combinations thereof.

Dutch microflora

One of the goals of the WMC is to create Microflora Neerlandica, a large collection of specimens and associated data from microbial communities occurring in the Netherlands. The idea is based on the book Flora Neerlandica, which records the Dutch botanist. Another goal is to gather knowledge about the management of microbial communities.

The announcement of the establishment of the World Congress is not an isolated event. following Celebration dies Focuses on microbes. The topic has been chosen From globe to gut: unraveling the microbiome. The guest speaker is Professor Nicole Dobbiller, Director of the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in Bremen. She conducts research on cooperative microbes in the deep sea.

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