Attorney Marco Borsato expects a decision on prosecution next month

Attorney Marco Borsato expects a decision on prosecution next month

“We expect the prosecution to make a decision to prosecute in September,” says Carrie Nobbs-Hamburger, when asked. The famous Knoops Advocaten office has been helping the singer for a long time and had to be patient for several months. “We know it takes a long time. Actually, it’s not a simple matter. It’s not black and white.”

According to Nobs Hamburger, the police investigation, led by the Public Prosecution Service, is in its final phase. And it’s not just the authorities who are investigating. “We also did our own research. What we found was, of course, shared with the Public Prosecution Service,” says the lawyer.

She does not dare to predict the case. “It could go either way. It is also possible, of course, that the Public Prosecution Service would not dare and leave the question of guilt to the judges,” the lawyer said.

Knoops-Hamburger condemns the “witch hunt” on Marco Borsato. audience has it Dreams are liesThe lawyer says the singer was already sentenced before a proper investigation took place. “The fact that Marco was branded from the start, his statue taken from Madame Tussauds and his music neglected, is medieval.”

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