A man saves a woman from the railway: “He’s risking his life with this.” |  house

A man saves a woman from the railway: “He’s risking his life with this.” | house

A sensational video shows how a passenger pushes a woman off the track at Brussels-South station. Both people were unharmed, but the man’s heroic act sparks discussion. Railway director Invrapil warns of the dangers of such bailouts.

Carmen Sheils

The incident occurred last Monday. A woman stood on the path in front of dozens of herons for some unknown reason. One of them does not hesitate and decides to take the right path. Before any drama ensues, the man brings the rail runner safely to the platform. Later you can see how the woman sits confused on the floor with her head in her hands. Her rescuer takes care of her while one of the travelers films the whole scene.

The railway manager, Inverabil, points out the dangers of such a heroic act. For years, Infrabel has been taking action to prevent all forms of rail walking. “We understand the man’s reaction, because he only wanted to help the woman, but he’s also risking his life with this,” Brett Montaigne of Infrabel answers. ,,We must not forget that Brussels South Station is very crowded as many trains pass through it. Besides, no one can be traced, not even the man.”

Securil emergency number

In such a case, you do not have to take any action yourself. But should you leave a person on the right path to their own destiny? “The best thing in a situation like this is to call Securail’s emergency number immediately. Securail will then call us and then we will be able to stop the trains,” Montaigne says.

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A man rescues a woman from the tracks in Brussels-South station
A man rescues a woman from the tracks in Brussels-South station © rack

A man rescues a woman from the tracks in Brussels-South station
A man rescues a woman from the tracks in Brussels-South station © rack

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