Abolition of tuition fees for technical courses

Abolition of tuition fees for technical courses

Tuition fees for engineering courses should be abolished to prepare more students for engineering careers. This is the way to manage supply and demand in the job market, without being too selective in evaluating training. With this proposal, Member of Parliament CU Eppo Bruins enters into discussing the innovation BNR ‘Nederland Innovatieland? #How’.

Bruins says more perfection is needed, and that could be achieved by pushing the “next generation” in the right direction. If you learn to trade and get your teeth into something, this is also a form of leadership. That’s why I would like to send a lot more than I’m doing now to get more young people excited about getting that technology and other professional training courses. But I think it’s radical to stop training altogether.

Make choices

PvdA Member of Parliament Barbara Katman, until recently a Rotterdam local councilor, also advocated selective abolition of tuition fees, but categorically for Papu. In her opinion, inspiration is the magic word to foster innovation in the Netherlands. Sometimes we have to show dreams sooner. So if you introduce this practice into your home at a young age and choose to study later, they can make much better choices and their frame of reference is much broader.

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And yes, of course there are courses with a lower job guarantee. There is absolutely no reason to cancel it, but it is important to include the extension of the package, says Kathman. “We have to be honest about that.” GroenLinks’ Nils van den Berg is excited about this honesty. “It is good to hold programs accountable for their responsibility to provide good information and not to compete in popular programs.”

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Economic planning thinking, which van den Berg mainly sees in VVD, is counterproductive. As if we can predict how the labor market will develop. If more people had only gone to a construction job after the financial crisis, we would not have faced such a housing shortage now. Photo shared by VVD filter Daan de Kort. It’s not that we want to stop training right away. Point out that we want more control.

Seduction vs. Guidance

D66 Member of Parliament Paul Van Menen is preferred seduction above send. Although, investments are also required for this. The training courses must innovate themselves and remain attractive to young people. Sherifa El Zemouri, a think tank, is really missing innovation in the programs themselves. We can use artificial intelligence to allow training to evolve with the future. Make no mistake: our kids are smarter, more innovative, and more accommodating in this dynamic world than we are.

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It could also be the other way around, says Ibo Bruins: There is unrelated research that would not have been conducted without the business community. GroenLinks’ Niels van den Berg is a bit more skeptical. Public money has even been used in science, boosting the feasibility study. Wouldn’t Unilever have done some research on their own?

Bug search

In scientific research and innovation, guidance is also possible, Bruins says. But that shouldn’t be at the expense of basic research. We want to fulfill the promise of investing 3 percent of GDP in research and innovation, of which 1 percent in public and 2 percent in private research and development. But then you need to make sure that the science is interesting to high-tech companies. So you can actually manage the financing of certain sectors.

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Van den Berg warns of the false contradiction between independent basic research and objective strategic research. Both areas of research are in desperate need of each other, but an imbalance looms, now that less and less money has gone into unrestricted research. Vaccine development is applied objective research. But this would not have been possible without fundamental breakthroughs in the basic sciences.


Van den Berg acknowledges that public-private partnerships are desirable and even necessary. But it should clearly indicate how to let one act as a lever for the other. Van Menen also believes that Libra tends a lot towards valorization. We know from the past that completely free search leads to innovations. Decompression: There’s nothing wrong with social benefits, but it shouldn’t stress basic research.

VVD member De Kort calls for cooperation between government and industry. We do this by investing in a growth fund. We believe in and invest in hybrid learning environments. But Zemouri sees little of this in practice. The VVD wants to invest in strategic sectors such as healthcare, but they are voting against the proposal to include alpha, gamma and medical sciences in the investment fund.

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