Lange-France fine for the traffic controller |  Watch

Lange-France fine for the traffic controller | Watch

Lange Frans was fined four hundred euros because, according to the Public Prosecution Service (OM), he was guilty of assault. The rapper hit a traffic controller in Schiphol last October.

Prosecutors’ spokesman Noord Holland confirmed this after reporting from View news. “The public prosecutor has now assessed the case and the case has been settled with a criminal order. The public prosecutor has fined the 42-year-old man,” the spokesperson said. This penalty order continues without the intervention of the judge.

Lang France was captured by the Marechaussee last October. The rapper was driving down a bus lane in Schiphol when it was not permitted and he was approached by a traffic controller. There was some disagreement, as Frans Frederick, as he was really called, was going to give a traffic controller a push. The traffic controller could have fallen and suffered injuries as a result. Lange-France denied the allegations at the time and said the story had been “exaggerated” by the traffic controller.

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