RTL 4’s Nikki D Jagger Fashion Show Isn’t a Bitch |  Displays

RTL 4’s Nikki D Jagger Fashion Show Isn’t a Bitch | Displays

The new Nikkie de Jager show featured four celebrities who trained for weeks to perfect their acting. Mike de Boer, Romy Monteiro, Gandino Asporat and Kim Finstra performed alongside a band wearing a face mask. The intent was that the jury, made up of Caroline Tensen, Edson de Grassa and Jamie Loman, would not be able to guess the real mask hiding behind.

Remarkably, the masks, which were meant to resemble celebrities, weren’t all quite as beautiful. De Jager even referred to her multiple times in the broadcast, saying, “You don’t look like that in real life,” she told Romy Montero, among others, while holding the mask next to her face. In the end, Kim Feenstra was chosen by the public as the famous Dutch character who had the best control over the act.

With 790,000 viewers, the only real Not to mention the attainment of the ratings. So it is doubtful whether there will be more episodes of the one-off show. Starting next week, RTL 4 will broadcast the collection What a year! And the Arrange your thoughts and decide From. De Jager is one of the jury members for the latter programme.

With her debut in the presentation of RTL 4, the famous makeup artist took the ninth place in the viewing figure Stichting KijkOnderzoek. Hall Holland Bucket It is a primetime winner with nearly 2 million viewers. At the same time, De Jager kept SBS 6 behind him. new season of Cobbins’ Lawwith Martien Meiland as one of the candidates, attracted only 505,000 viewers.

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