5 Reasons Why Homes Don’t Have Fences in America Are They Safe?

5 Reasons Why Homes Don’t Have Fences in America Are They Safe?

Jakarta – Houses in Indonesia use fences for security reasons. However, if you pay attention, homes in America don’t have many fences or walls.

In fact, acts of theft may occur. However, it turns out that the lack of fences in American homes is not without reason.

5 Reasons America’s Homes Don’t Have Fences

There are many reasons why homeowners in America choose not to fence. Here are some of them:

1. Security

While homes in Indonesia use fences for security, homes in the United States do not use fences for security reasons. Why so?

Quoting the Daily Women’s Forum, in some states, in case of a fire, a fence blocks the passage of fire engines. So it is illegal to put up a fence in front of the entrance of the house.

In fact, American homes are mostly made of combustible materials. The facade is made of wood, the walls are made of plasterboard.

Therefore, in case of fire, the entire area can easily catch fire. Fire spreads from house to house. Therefore, it is important to localize the fire immediately.

A fire extinguisher should be accessible near the house. Additionally, other emergency services such as the police may also need access to the home.

2. Convenience

In America, homeowners usually have a garage to park their cars. So, in order to avoid having to open and close the gate, homeowners in America decided not to just build a fence.

3. Usability testing

Electricity, water or gas workers often visit homes not only in Indonesia but also in the United States. Having a fence makes it difficult to inspect the house.

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4. Aesthetics

Fences are considered to have a negative impact on the appearance of the entire street. However, Americans have fences on the other side of the house, for example in the backyard. This allows parents to let their children play safely and not worry.

5. Storage

Installing a fence is actually not difficult, even an expensive one. However, according to Hundred Concerns, residents of this country want to save money on installing things on the street.

These are five reasons why American homes don’t have fences. Hope this article helps you.

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