XOXO: New photos of Gossip Girl can now be seen

XOXO: New photos of Gossip Girl can now be seen

the new gossip Girl Set eight years after the original release, it shows how teens’ lives in the US capital have changed over the past decade. Kristen Bell returns as the mystery narrator, but other than that a lot of the actors look different. Emily Allen Lind gets one of the main roles and can also be seen Tavi Jevinson, Thomas Doherty, Adam Chanler-Berat and Zion Moreno.

The new images can be seen in the video below. Replay will begin in a week in the US via streaming service HBO Max, which unfortunately is not available in the Netherlands. But perhaps there is still a way to feed on all the joys and sorrows. BBC He bought the broadcast rights and will broadcast it on BBC One. This will (hopefully) make it easier to watch.

from gossip Girl-Writer Joshua Safran said the reboot will be different from the original Eagle Festival. “There was little representation in the first series,” he said. “This time, we chose not to all of the main heroes be white. In addition, there will be a lot of abnormal content to be seen.” The school for teenagers, Constance Bellard, has not changed.

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