Woutertje Pieterse Award for Best Children’s Book to Terra Ultima

Woutertje Pieterse Award for Best Children’s Book to Terra Ultima

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Raoul DeLeo and Noah J. Stern received the 35th Woutertje Pieterse Award, the most beautiful children’s book award last year. to Terra Ultima They won a cash prize of 15,000 euros.

“A romantic exploration showing that science and imagination can go hand in hand,” is what the jury, led by author Abdelkader Benali, calls the picture-rich book about a “new” continent.

It is full of pictures of miraculous animals and plants. †Terra Ultima It’s a great book to read and watch to dream about, and one to take seriously. It is also a book that binds generations together.”

Six books for children and young adults were nominated. Except Terra Ultima that was tunnel from Anna Waltz, raspberry shade Written by Lida Dykstra and Jenny Villa, Virus world Written by Mark ter Horst and Wendy Banders, without an address by Erna Sassen and Martin van der Linden and the girls by Annette Shabb.

Terra Ultima It was previously nominated for the Jan Wolkers Prize 2021. Last year, writer Benny Lindelauf and illustrator Ludwig Volbeda won the Woutertje Pieterse Prize for their book Half Soldier Full Stories

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