With this trick you can reduce your stress level in 5 minutes

With this trick you can reduce your stress level in 5 minutes

Busy work day, important appointment or tension in your relationship? Sometimes we get overwhelmed by stress. As we all know, our brain and body do not handle stress well. But did you know there's a trick that can reduce your stress in five minutes and it's backed by science too? Yes there is.

I spoke previously subway With writer Quinn de Jong, who taught us how to tame the whirlwind of thoughts swirling in your head. Psychologist Emma Seppala contrasts with the American Psychology Today It appears that some former soldiers used the trick in very stressful situations.

A psychologist explains the trick to reducing stress in 5 minutes

Seppala researched breathing technique and discovered how breathing affected a person both physically and mentally. Research shows that different emotions are associated with different types of breathing. But this also works the other way: if you can change your breathing, you can also change emotions.

In other words, when we change our breathing, we change the feeling we experience. A psychologist explains how to do this. “By slowing your breathing, especially your exhalation, you can create relaxation. This calms your heart rate and stimulates the vagus nerve, or the male trunk nerve that runs into the abdomen. Once you calm down, you will feel better and your ability to think logically will return.”

Breathing proven by science

In practical terms, how do we deal with this? “Inhale until your lungs are full (for example, to a count of four) and then as you exhale, try to exhale longer than you inhaled—ideally one and a half or two times longer (6 or 8 counts).” Do this with your eyes closed for five minutes and notice the after effects. According to the psychiatrist, after these five minutes, you will feel calmer, clearer, and more present.

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