Windows 11 22H2 will put the final visual touches

Windows 11 22H2 will put the final visual touches

In addition to the new File Explorer tabs and inbox apps, Microsoft has Files Building 22572 Also updated the print window. This now follows the design pattern of Windows 11, and is a preview of the Sun Valley 2 update expected in the fall. This is because all the old elements and interfaces must be updated. Some of these windows are from the time of Windows 98 and were not included in the first version of Windows 11.

For the print interface, some features such as printer and location preferences have been removed. This window is used for native applications such as Notepad and WordPad, which, unlike Word, for example, do not have a built-in printing function.

Microsoft released a second update to Insiders in the Dev Channel last week. This is only for testing the update process, so all changes are under the hood. Although there is no new functionality, this update still contains something new: it is called the Major Fall Update for OS 22H2, in keeping with the nomenclature that was used earlier. Building 22567.100 22567 follows, where the Smart Access Control app was first published. The Open With window was also later updated to the new design style of Windows 11. The 22H2 is expected to include features that were previously missing, such as drag-and-drop support.

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