Why is it immediately clear what medications a patient is taking while hospitalized?

Why is it immediately clear what medications a patient is taking while hospitalized?

She stayed in place

An attempt was already made in 2011 using the National Electronic Patient File. “The idea was: We would share the medications that I received from my GP and from the pharmacy in care,” says Heldorn. The Senate blocked it at the time, halting development for years. There are now calls again for this to be arranged electronically. “But it will take several years before we get there again.”


As a patient, you are currently required to take literature with you from your GP and pharmacy about your medicines. “If that doesn’t work, health care providers are forced to make phone calls,” Heldorn says. This also causes problems when recording. “We know from all kinds of studies on the use of medicines that there are approximately 1,200 incidents per week in healthcare in the Netherlands. Almost half of these incidents are avoidable. Not all of these are errors related to the transmission of information. But this is one of the contributing factors.”

It is currently necessary to indicate that you wish to share this information with the hospital. “But for some people, that question isn’t quite as relevant or complex at that moment, or they want to think about it more,” Heldorn says.

Do not register

A solution is now being worked on. “We, along with many parties, have asked the House to abolish the informed consent system which you can in principle replace, unless you object to it. Just as with the donor registry.” It will take some time. “The average law takes up to two years.”

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