Why do you drool in your sleep?  And what can you do about it?  – Wel.nl

Why do you drool in your sleep? And what can you do about it? – Wel.nl

Drooling in your sleep can be very embarrassing and embarrassing for some people. But it’s actually completely normal and happens to almost everyone.

Drooling in your sleep is a natural process and mainly associated with relaxing your muscles. During REM sleep, your body is in a state of deep relaxation and your muscles are completely relaxed, including those in your mouth and throat. This allows saliva to flow easily from your mouth and thus you can drool in your sleep.

But there are also other causes that can lead to excessive drooling in sleep. A common cause is the position of your head. Sleeping with your head down or on a pillow that is too high or too low can open your mouth and lead to more drooling.

Another reason could be a blocked nose. If you have a sinus infection or allergy, it can block your nose and cause mouth breathing which leads to drooling.

However, there are solutions to reduce drooling while sleeping. For example, try another pillow with an ergonomic design that puts your head in a downward position. This will keep your mouth closed and drastically reduce drooling.

If you have nasal congestion or allergy issues, using nasal sprays and medications can relieve symptoms and prevent drooling.

sources): HLN
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