What would we do if flowers fell like snow on the garden again in 2022?  |  The interior

What would we do if flowers fell like snow on the garden again in 2022? | The interior

Because we were like this last year Dense I remember some things more strangely than in other years. Like our pear tree petals are like snow in our backyard. This was also the case last year.

Radio 4 music is another thing. My year-long background while working (when my wife comes to have a conversation, she always expresses it. I think it’s about generations). But this: Prepare a cup of coffee downstairs, with that mug up and hit the button on the universal receiver that Radio 4 was pre-programmed to in my office (94.70). A wonderful moment. I will always relate it to this year of Coronavirus.

It’s been a lot similar here at home for a year, just like you probably do. It is wonderful that we continue to progress. However, we view life differently now than we did a year ago. I think there was more fear at the time, and above all, there was a lot of ignorance. Ignorance of what the virus will bring. Ignorance about the virus at all. Had we been told at the time, in April 2020, that we were not done after a year, we would not have done so. And yet it happened.

The same goes for the vaccine. We didn’t know anything about that either. While we all look like vaccine experts now: I want it, not that. Never this, instead of the other. At the start of last year, all the real experts told us it takes an average of ten years to find a vaccine, so don’t hope for anything. Meanwhile, other scientists have been working so hard in their labs that they have prototypes ready in September. Live science.

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I wonder how we will do when the pear tree blossoms fall as snow on the garden again in 2022.

So we know more now. More on the virus, more on the vaccine. But we also know that next year we’ll look back at this year with a completely different perspective than it is now. But what look? I find it confusing this time. Some of us walk around with the vaccine, for them there is hope. Others have to wait months to get vaccinated. People are still on the ice. People are still catching the infection, and many people still die in the coming months.

Misery in India and Brazil? Does this mean anything to us? Does it come back, while we think we’re slowly getting out of it? I wonder how we will do when the pear tree blossoms fall as snow on the garden again in 2022.

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